My name is Basil.
As at the time of writing this I was 25 425 days young. I do not know what my sell by date is and my expiry date has yet to be confirmed.
However, I think that I still have a lot to say and do before that happens ……….
I have been very lucky, in the few days that I have been around, to be privileged to come into contact with so many amazing people and so many really talented individuals. In the spirit of sharing is caring, I hope that with this blog, I will be able to give you the visitor to this site, a small window into the fantastic and incredible people and places that it has been my good fortune to see and become associated with.
The external links on my site are to people that I care greatly about. Their talents are quite extraordinary and they so deserve to be noticed. The photographs I have posted have all been taken by me unless I have put an acknowledgement with the photo. I do not profess to be a professional photographer but have done my best to capture some of the most wonderful sights and creatures that abound in natures kingdom. They are there for all to see, if we take the time to look……..
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